Resep: 16 hrs slowcooked Sop buntut Yang Enak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

16 hrs slowcooked Sop buntut. Indonesian famous sop buntut (oxtail soup) that tastes as good as the one you find in some of the best Indonesian restaurants. SOP refer to instructions normally written ones that are intended to document how to perform a certain activity. Cut oxtail into round shapes and then put them in a large pot filled with water.

16 hrs slowcooked Sop buntut Rich in collagen and filled with complex flavors, I always serve this with steamed rice and extra sliced tomatoes, fish sauce, shallot flakes (or French-fried onions), and lime wedges on the side. Buntut in Indonesian language means Tail, hence the name just like in English…Sop Buntut. This was a popular street food that has made its way to restaurant menu. Kamu bisa menyiapkan 16 hrs slowcooked Sop buntut menggunakan 14 bumbu dan 4 langkah. Begini cara memasak masakan nya.

Bahan untuk 16 hrs slowcooked Sop buntut

  1. Kamu perlu 500 gr buntut sapi.
  2. Kamu perlu 1 buah kentang.
  3. Diperlukan 1 buah wortel.
  4. Diperlukan 3 siung bawang putih.
  5. Kamu perlu 5 siung bawang merah.
  6. Diperlukan 1 buah kayu manis.
  7. Siapkan 2 buah bunga lawang.
  8. Kamu perlu 2 buah cengkeh.
  9. Siapkan 1 sdt pala bubuk.
  10. Kamu perlu 1 batang daun bawang.
  11. Siapkan 1 batang seledri.
  12. Kamu perlu 1 buah tomat.
  13. Diperlukan secukupnya Garam, gula, lada bubuk, kaldu jamur.
  14. Diperlukan Bawang goreng.

Crispy fried shallots (Bawang goreng) that I sprinkled on top of this sop buntut is one of my most favorite Indonesian condiments. Fried Oxtail Soup (Sop Buntut Goreng): You can serve the oxtail fried or as is with the soup. So when I was in Jakarta, I was not going to miss the opportunity to eat a meal of sop buntut, or oxtail soup. Sop buntut (oxtail soup) is very popular in Indonesia.

Cara Membuat 16 hrs slowcooked Sop buntut

  1. Karena aku pengen kuah sopnya bening, jadi aku rebus dulu buntutnya. Air rendaman yg pertama aku buang..
  2. Buntut yg sudah direbus, dimasukkan ke dalam slowcooker. Masukkan air, kayu manis, cengkeh, bunga lawang, tumisan bawang putih dan bawang merah, daun bawang. Aku diamkan di slowcooker selama 16jam..
  3. Setelah itu aku masak kembali sebentar. Tuang buntut dan kuah ke dalam panci. Masukkan kentang, wortel dan masak hingga lunak. Koreksi rasa dengan garam, gula, lada, pala dan kaldu jamur..
  4. Terakhir tambahkan daun bawang, daun seledri, sajikan dengan tomat potong dan jangan lupa pake bawang goreng biar lebih nikmat..

If you ever visited an Indonesian restaurant that serves this soup, it is really Indonesian famous sop buntut (oxtail soup) that tastes as good as the one you find in some of the best Indonesian restaurants. You only need some oxtails and surprisingly. Soedik הוא אחד מציוני דרך הבולטים ביותר בג'קרטה. רק ב ניתן לקבל את המחירים הטובים ביותר עבור חדרי מלון ליד מסעדות ובתי קפה. הזמן בקלות מלונות ליד Warung Sop Buntut H. Soedik דרך בצורה בטוחה ומאובטחת. דף העיר של ג'קרטה משלב כלי חיפוש נוחים ומידע נרחב עבור. Hidangan sop buntut akan dapat menghangatkan tubuh dan membuat selera makana anda semakin tergugah.